1932 to 2015
Historical air photos are powerful tools to see how the coast has changed over time.
We can learn a lot from historical images. Beginning in the 1920s, aerial photos were taken from planes to inventory resources, for urban planning, or to develop wartime infrastructure. Now, these photographs are helping researchers track changes to coastal ecosystems over time.
The Hakai geospatial technology team has recently been gathering historical air photos from along the British Columbia coast. The latest find was a set of photos from 1932 that cover much of the western side of Calvert Island and other areas of the Central Coast region.
Some of these photos have been matched to known locations for comparison of past and present conditions. Below are a few examples of what the coast looked like from the air in 1932 compared to today.
We are currently gathering historical air photos from other time periods that cover the B.C. Central Coast and Quadra Island study regions. If you are interested in attaining any of the images contained in this blog, please contact data@hakai.org.
Thank you to Felipe Gomez from the Coastal Erosion and Dune Dynamics Lab for assisting us in attaining the historical imagery through the University of Victoria library.